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I have no time.
I work all day.
I don't have money to pay
I am shy to speak.
I know only the basic.
I don't know.
I don't like to study.
I am not interested.
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We are a World Community of Students and teachers from all over the world that have the same purpose: Learn English.


Somos uma Comunidade Mundial de Estudantes e professores de Inglês com um mesmo propósito, treinar o inglês.

Devido à grande necessidade de se falar o idioma inglês nos dias atuais e pelo fato de que nos países onde o inglês não é o idioma nativo não haver tantos falantes do idioma, surge a Comunidade Speaking in English com o intúito de unir professores, alunos, escritores, empresários, parceiros e quem acredita na possibilidade de novas conexões com o mundo.

A Comunidade utiliza todas as Redes Sociais possíveis para treino de seus participantes e está aberta à dicas, idéias e novas parcerias.

Acredite no poder da comunicação global, faça amigos e descubra um mundo nunca antes descoberto. saia do seu "mundo" e venha para o nosso mundo.


We are a Community of Students, Partners and Teachers.


Students can participate in classes, lectures, live conversations. Exchange ideas and practice English through tools available within the Community. 

To be a Student in our community, you need to

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English Teachers can register on our Community and begin to teach and train his teaching skills. He/She can also be a Partner Teacher and start giving private lessons through Social Networks, pages or even facebook. If you are a Teacher of English and want to help us, either voluntarily or gaining something from it,  become one of our registered teachers. You will have many benefits. contact us.

Send a message to +55 11 989452244 WhatsApp



Partners: You who are an English writer of books, works by creating applications that has to do with learning English, has a page on facebook, or a website, etc. contact us, become a partner of the Speaking in English Community. We are working together to help those who are learning the language and together discussing new ideas in private meetings with the use of social networks. Would you like to become a Partner?

Send a message to +55 11 989452244 WhatsApp



Idéias que podem ajudá-lo a aprender um segundo idioma.